TopNews – Special Summer Issue
Allow us to interrupt your summer vacation with a special TopNews issue. Following some lengthy meetings in the morning sun in the TF garden we made the decision to release the news that concerns The Planet immediately. The issue is a brand new jingle package that we really want you to listen to, right here and right now! In this issue we also update you on the new Top Format studio – the Lab.

With kind regards,
The Top Format Crew
The Planet 2006 – CHR Jingles
During the past few weeks, producers and composers teamed up in the middle of Haarlem . Their instructions were complex but challenging.
How often do you get the chance to change an entire Planet? Planet Radio gave itself an entirely new look and sound. The CHR format comes with a new claim: More Music Radio. The package aired on August 7. The new custom made package includes many station IDs. We also created the tracks for news and service items.
Click here to explore the new Planet 2006, in full-length versions, subversions and alternative mixes.
Under Construction & The Lab – New TF Studio
The Top Format building is currently under construction. All clients and visitors have already received the patented TF dust mask when entering the new artist’s entrance. We’d like to give you a sneak preview of our new studio #4, also known as ‘The Lab’.
The studio is equipped with speakers, cubase sx, a window, air conditioning, Klippan and three art pieces from a guy who became famous not only for his paintings but also for practising base jumping from a well-known Dutch hotel.
Check out these great pictures of The Lab:

We have much more to tell you, but you will have to wait for the next TopNews in September. The next TopNews will contain demo’s of the new packages for:
– Sky Radio Hessen , Germany
– Radio 21, Germany
– Rockland Radio , Germany
– City FM Classic Rock, the Netherlands
– Radio Øb , Norway
– Omroep Brabant, the Netherlands
– And more for Germany , Portugal and the Netherlands