Brandy Reinvents Power Intros
Are power intros still the “in” thing for 2008? The answer is definitely yes! Brandy has just recently announced that its power intros service is still as powerful as its name. On its January update, Brandy stated that they “never get enough of (power intros)”.
They took the challenge to re-invent the traditional power intro. And Brandy does this by not just making audio logo to introduce a hit song, but by making the power intro a smashing hit on its own! Listen to a Rihanna power intro created for Q Music in Belgium. View the full news article and the rest of the Brandy power intros here.
Q Music Power Intro (Rihanna – Please Don’t Stop The Music) Copyright
New Jingle Package for Radio Donna
In the meantime, Brandy is proud to present its brand new jingle package for Radio Donna. The package is called “Feel It, Love It” and it contains 12 cuts available in various mixouts. The package also includes cuts for traffic, weather and news. The guys at Brandy said that they made a catchy new slogan for the station infused with a powerful jingle logo. Check out the package that is “overflowing with joy” here. Below are some cuts in the Feel It, Love It, Donna package.
Feel It, Love It Cut 01 (Copyright
Feel It, Love It Top of Hour 01 (Copyright
Feel It, Love It TOH Basic (Copyright