Le son Rouge – from Wisebuddah Jingles

Wisebuddah Jingles has produced the new sound of Switzerland’s Rouge. Based in the heart of Lausanne, Rouge (formerly Rouge FM) commissioned a re-sing of Wisebuddah’s CHR+ service, comprising 10 x Main IDs and a full suite of Information Elements. Rouge has also subscribed to the CHR format of Wisebuddah’s imaging service IMGR, which offers fresh, new CHR content delivered to its users every single day.
Mika Schmider, Rouge: “We are very satisfied with our new collaboration with Wisebuddah. The CHR+ package fits perfectly with our programming and the spirit of our station: The new productions are powerful and fresh. Great job!”
Phil Tozer is Wisebuddah’s Business Development Manager: “Mika came to us looking for a fresh, new sound for Rouge, so he chose our CHR+ jingles and IMGR CHR as they match the values of the station: Dynamic, innovative and unique. It’s been a great collaboration – C’était un réel plaisir!”