8 Search results

For the term "Pirate FM".
Wise Buddah

The Sky’s the Limit for Pirate FM

The UKRD’s Pirate FM has returned to Wise Buddah Jingles for a third time. They take the step from AC to Hot AC, and have chosen to re-sing Wise Buddah’s Sky Radio 2014 package. “The Sky Radio jingles are exactly...

Wise Buddah re sings for Pirate FM

Wise Buddah re sings for Pirate FM

Pirate FM in Cornwall is the latest station to have Wise Buddah’s EZ Rock package re sung. With Pirate FM on board, this brings the total number of UK stations with the Wise Buddah (www.wisebuddah.com) EZ Rock package to eight. Over...

JingleNews – Montage 2

JingleNews – Montage 2

In an effort to remember jingles of the past aswell as today we’re going to be putting together jingle montages consisting of 5 minutes of random jingles from a range of producers. Have a listen to Montage 2 below. WYCD,...


Radio Nova’s new ReelWorld jingles Rock

Dublin’s rock radio station Radio Nova have launched new jingles this month from ReelWorld. ReelWorld, the world’s leading provider of jingles and imaging, composed the themes at their HQ in Seattle for a package which is being aired on the...

1st Update for BBC Radio 1 from PURE Jingles

1st Update for BBC Radio 1 from PURE Jingles

The producers at PURE just couldn’t help themselves when they went to work on the first update for the BBC Radio 1 Idents. Originally scheduled to include 5 new cuts, the ideas kept on flowing and the Dutch team ended...

Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Clients always want value for their money. And more often than not producers/VO guys face tremendous challenges from radio stations who want to fit in as much information on a 30-second radio commercial,promo or a 10-second sweeper. Enda Caldwell, our...

What’s The Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

What’s The Most Effective Length for a Sweeper

Clients always want value for their money. And more often than not producers/VO guys face tremendous challenges from radio stations who want to fit in as much information on a 30-second radio commercial,promo or a 10-second sweeper. Enda Caldwell, our...