Radio Vitosha jingles from iLaskov Studio Brighton

Ivan Laskov has been working in the radio industry in his home country for more than 17 years. Currently a self-employed radio imaging / radio jingles producer based in Brighton, East Sussex, UK working under the name ‘iLaskov Studio Brighton‘. iLaskov Studio is a small project studio serving small and middle-market stations across Europe and the UK. Being a small company, they try to make imaging production very personal, and to provide the best value for the money, and at the same time – highest possible quality in terms of creativity, production and post production.

Radio Vitosha, a HAC station in Bulgaria, picked up a new custom package in March 2012 from iLaskov. Ivan worked closely with singer Emily McIntosh and as a result Vitosha have their new and fresh package with classic, world class vocals. This demo below includes one of Top of the Hour idents, the main music themes and Service ID / beds (News, Weather and Travel).

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