Huge fun-fair gets sung jingles

With more than one million visitors in ten days and 234 attractions, it’s the largest annual fair in the Benelux countries, and it just got itself custom jingles from The Rocketeers. It’s called “Kermis FM” (Funfair FM).

The Hot AC jingle package contains of five main theme’s with several news, weather an travel cuts.
In the studio, also the slogan was born: “Ten days in Tilburg”. Kermis FM project manager Martijn

“We didn’t want explosions, noise and chopped up over-tuned vocals. It’s perfect:
energetic, musical and not over the top.”

Kermis FM 2009 from The Rocketeers | 5.73MB – 5:01

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2 Responses

  1. Anders says:

    Brilliant ! ! !

    Very sharp, fresh and cool package.

  2. tommy.b says:

    Very nice. I love that style!

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