Fall Season Starts With A Bang For NRJ and RTL2 in France
There hasn’t been that much news from Dutch jingle company PURE Jingles for the past couple of months. At the beginning of the summer more stations than expected came knocking on the door for new packages for the fall of 2011. On most days there wasn’t enough time to sit down for lunch, so any news worthy stories were saved up for the beginning of the fall season.
The main reason why the composers and producers at PURE Jingles were so busy? Two massive packages that were scheduled to go on-air nationwide in France during the last part of August!
NRJ 2011
NRJ returned for the second time within one year to order another 20 PURE Individual jingles. Frances biggest Pop-Rock station, RTL 2, ordered 21 re-sing jingles from the PURE JingleBox and had another 5 themes custom made.
While the NRJ package looks towards the latest music trends, the production for RTL 2 revolved around getting a rock sound that sounds modern but also looks back over the last decades. In terms of music one of the guitarists was happy to break out some U2 chords and delays to help bring back the rock sound of the mid 80s to one of the jingles.
Since it would be a bit much to listen to all of the jingles (46 in total), the jingle demo for NRJ features 10 cuts, to give you an idea. Surf to www.purejingles.com/individual to listen to the full package. The demo for RTL 2 features the 5 custom made themes. The full package can be heard on-air by listening to the station online at radio.rtl2.fr/player.
/ About NRJ France
In 1981, the first NRJ station was launched in France. Ever since then the station has been the CHR leader in the country, with most stations keeping a close eye on each move NRJ makes. NRJ is based around the core values of sharing (a wide variety of music), modernity (moving into the future with apps for mobile listening) and accessibility (giving their audience close access to artists through big events and showcases). www.nrj.fr
/ About RTL 2 France
RTL 2, founded in 1995, is part of the RTL Group Ð owning 41 TV channels and 34 radio stations in 10 countries. RTL has had a long history that can be traced back to the 1920s. The radio branch in particular has grown out of legendary station Radio Luxembourg. In 2010, RTL 2 drew an audience of 2.5 million listeners a day. The station is the home of one of Frances most famous radio personalities, Francis Zegut. www.rtl2.fr