Omrop Fryslân Christmas Jingles 2016

Omrop Fryslân is one of The Netherlands most successful public broadcasters. The regional brand successfully operates online, via social media, apps and television. While the general radio imaging is re-branded in September 2016, now the custom jingle set is expended with a magical Christmas jingle package.

Top Format Productions is glad to release the Omrop Fryslân Christmas jingles 2016, based on the general station imaging but completely re-composed around the temporary Holidays format, premiering at Saturday the 10th of December.

Dave Albers, Creative Director: “The new Christmas jingles for Omrop Fryslân are a mixture of the Modern Pop music strategy flavored with a modern touch of the finest Holiday hooks. This sparkling combination is like a perfect Christmas playlist, that makes everybody feel good!”

The Omrop Fryslân 2016 Christmas jingles are built around 15 main themes. All main ID’s are mixed with- and without custom pre-logo’s, as full ramps, basic ID’s, shotguns and rapid fires.

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