Cue Creative Newsletter November 2007
Already for a few months we are busy in our new studio location. To let you know what we have been up to, this is the newsletter with all the latest from Cue Creative. Also check out our new website and the section company. You can see the pictures of the official opening of the new studio, held on September 15th 2007. Everyone who was there, thanks for joining this great event with us!

The past few weeks we have created lots of commercials for several Dutch radiostations. A few highlights:
• Fit for Free – Nieuwjaarsaktie ‘Go for Gold’ / Campaign for the new Year ‘Go for Gold;
• – Personeelwerving voor de boodschappensite van Nederland/ is in search for new personel.
• Dirty Dutch – Het evenement van Dj Chuckie and Friends/ Dj Chuckie and Friends event
• 18 – Landelijke campagne voor 18 jarigen / National campaign for 18 year olds
• The Hague International Festivals – Een landelijke campagne omtrent de Haagse festivals/National Campaign for The Hague International Festivals
• Gemeente Den Haag – Vervolg op de vele commercials voor de Gemeente diensten/Commercials for the municipality of The Hague
Check out these commercials and more on the new Commercial Demo. Request this demo now, contact
Martijn Heijmans (mheijmans [@]
Every Saturday from 1am till 6am, BNN LOS! DJ Lucien Foort provides you with the best deejay mixes and dance music on Dutch national radiostation 3FM. We take care of the pre-production, fresh news and the final broadcasting.
From now on, all our imaging productions will be published by ‘Warp by Cue’. Warp by Cue stands for imaging for radio, custom jingles and cool soundfx. Our new Warp by Cue website will be online very soon! Nightlife Awards 2007.
Our successfull effect library F*Cue! Includes 99 refreshing soundfx, a must have for every imaging guru. Order F*Cue via or call +31(0)70-3609718. A nice fact, F*Cue has been used in the production of the brand new Kiss100 London imaging!!
Check out the quotes of our satisfied clients;
“Cue Creative have broken the mould, and produced an imaging package so revolutionary,
it looks Amsterdam in the face and mutters the word “prude”
Marius Sigolsen, JRG Radio Group Norway: “F*Cue gets the attention. The sound is so sharp that it cuts through everything else and makes people listen, and that is one of our main goals in radio”
Maurice Koster, Fresh FM, The Netherlands: “Powerful, firm, energetic, F*Cue is exactly what I was looking for and I have recently used the F*Cue effect in new imaging for Fresh FM”
Chris Hartgers, Radio 538, The Netherlands, : “Finally, a library with only useable workparts.
It is simple to use and you can easily combine the parts and make a whole new sound”
The UnityFM Package is a blast! Now also On Air in Italy and Spain. We did a couple of resings the last few weeks. (demo enquiries: Martijn Heijmans (mheijmans [at]
SBS Radio Finland asked us for a special customized job. The production is a tailor made package, based on all music influences in Finland. The result is amazing and now On Air on Iskelmä Finland. (demo enquiries: Martijn Heijmans (mheijmans [at]
Check the new packages and much more on our new Jingle Showreel. Request this demo, contact Martijn Heijmans (mheijmans [at]
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