VHU Europe Exclusive Home of PURE Jingles and PANTHERSOUNDS

After more than five years of working together, European jingle and production house VHU Europe and Seattle-based ReelWorld have decided to both go their own ways, and focus on their own strengths.

Apart from producing their own jingle packages and production libraries, VHU Europe has been ReelWorld’s European representative since 2006. Over the last five years the Netherlands-based company managed relationships with about 100 clients on behalf of its American partner. As a result, ReelWorld jingles can now be heard from Scandinavia to Portugal, and from Germany to Russia.


“Despite this, ReelWorld wanted to have their own office in this market”, explains VHU Europe founder and creative director Diederick Huizinga. “At the same time our own company has grown.” He thinks the reason is the increasing demand for customized, European sounding jingles. “That’s why we both decided to focus on our own strengths. I want to sincerely thank ReelWorld for the partnership over the last five years, and wish them nothing but the best.”


VHU Europe will from now on be the exclusive home of PURE Jingles – the European hit radio jingle sound & imaging – and the sound design team of PANTHERSOUNDS. Huizinga: “Stations can make their PURE Jingles package complete with a matching FX and music workpart kit from PANTHERSOUNDS, like the Orange Panther Creator production service or an individual Custom DNA. It’s the best of both worlds.”

1 Response

  1. Dave says:

    Diederick Huizinga and his great team rock the world with jingles and
    imaging your station need,.. no more boundaries they are the future!

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