Chris Stevens on the RyanOnTheRadio Podcast
Chris Stevens, of TM Studios, featured on Ryan Drean’s “Ryan on the Radio” podcast in November last year. Chris talks about the drunken email that helped him land a job at TM, his time at Radio 2 and other stations in the UK, his own company Devaweb, some production techniques and more!
If you missed it you can check it out at, or listen to it below.
Chris Stevens, VP Creative at TM Studios in Dallas, discusses the world of radio production. He has a background in music and is also a well known imaging producer for stations all over the U.K. and other parts of Europe. This is Part 1 of 2 because we can’t shut our mouths and are both big radio geeks. If you are in the radio industry this should be pretty interesting. If not…I think it will be interesting too.
Chris Steven Interview Part 1 | 23.80MB – 26:00
Chris Steven Interview Part 2 | 20.20MB – 22:09
Ryan also interviewd Dave Foxx, Jeff Berlin and Phat Matt Ganssle. You can listen to all podcasts here. Some may find the Dave Foxx podcast particularly interesting!
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[…] can hear a previous 2-part interview with TM’s Chris Stevens here. […]